
In A Course in Miracles (ACIM), creation is understood as a spiritual, non-physical process, not related to the physical creation of the universe as we see it. It refers to the extension of God’s Love and the eternal process by which God creates.

According to ACIM, God’s creation is perfect, changeless, and eternal. God created His Sons (referring to all of us, not limited to gender) in His likeness, meaning that we are like God in our essence, which is pure love. This creation is seen as a continuous extension of God’s love, rather than a one-time event.

In this context, creation is not something that happens in time and space but transcends them. It is beyond form and matter. We are all part of God’s creation, sharing His attributes of love, unity, and eternity. Our true reality as God’s creation is not the bodies and egos we identify with but the eternal spirit that remains forever one with Him.

ACIM contrasts this idea of creation with what it calls “making,” which refers to the ego’s attempts to build and create within the world of form and separation. While creation is an expression of oneness and unity, making is associated with division, differentiation, and temporality.

Distinguishing ‘creation’ from ‘mis-creation’

ACIM teaches that creation is the realm of spirit, love, and oneness, and it is in stark contrast to the illusory world of separation, fear, and mis-creation that the ego projects.

We are guided to discern between two levels of reality:

  1. Creation: This is the level of reality that is eternal, unchanging, and based on love. It is the realm of unity where everything is interconnected and derives from a divine source. Creation is the divine extension of God’s love, and it is beyond the limitations of time and space.
  2. Mis-creation: This is the term is used to describe the illusory world that the ego creates. Mis-creation is characterized by the ego’s belief in separation, specialness, and fear. It is the distorted perception of reality that leads to conflict, suffering, and a sense of individuality that is disconnected from the whole.

The process of “unlearning” mis-creation involves recognizing the illusion of separation and returning to the awareness of creation, where love, unity, and truth reign. This process is often referred to as forgiveness, where you forgive the illusions of the ego and return your perception to the divine reality of creation.

The teachings of the course guide us towards recognizing the distinction between these two levels of reality and choosing to align perception with the truth of creation.

In summary, creation in ACIM is a spiritual and eternal extension of God’s Love. It is a concept that emphasizes our oneness with God and each other, our perfection and immutability, and stands in contrast to the world of form and separation that we perceive with our physical senses.

Many workbook lessons in the ACIM Workbook for Students are designed to guide us toward understanding and experiencing the underlying concepts of creation and discerning mis-creation from creation. Here are a few workbook lessons that relate to these themes:

These lessons emphasize different aspects of creation, such as recognizing the difference between what you have created in the world and what God has created, understanding your true nature as God created you, and realizing your function within God’s creation.

The idea of creation within ACIM doesn’t pertain to the physical world in the way that many people typically think of creation. Instead, it often refers to the creation of love, peace, understanding, and forgiveness, aligning with God’s Will.