The Holy Trinity: The Father, the Son and The Holy Spirit

The Holy Trinity

A Course in Miracles (ACIM) often refers to the Holy Trinity concept of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, interpreting them in a unique metaphysical framework.

The Father

The term “Father” is often used to refer to God, the divine creator of all that is. ACIM teaches that God is not a distant or judgmental figure, but rather a loving and compassionate presence that is always available to us. According to ACIM, we are all children of God, created in their image and likeness, and our true identity lies in our oneness with them.

The term “Father” is not meant to be taken literally as a gendered term, but rather as a metaphorical expression of the divine qualities of love, wisdom, and power. The course emphasizes that God is beyond our limited understanding and that our experience of them is ultimately a personal and subjective one.

The Son

In A Course in Miracles (ACIM), the term “Son” is used to refer to all of humanity collectively, as well as to each individual person. The Son is seen as a reflection of God’s perfect love and is described as being co-eternal and co-creator with God. According to ACIM, the Son of God is not separate from God, but rather an extension of God’s own being.

The course teaches that the Son of God has fallen into a state of separation and forgetfulness, experiencing the illusion of individuality and a world of suffering and conflict. However, this separation is illusory, and the Son can awaken from this dream of separation and return to the awareness of his oneness with God.

In ACIM, the relationship between the Father and the Son is seen as one of perfect love and unity. The course emphasizes that our true identity lies in our oneness with God, and that the path to awakening involves recognizing and releasing the beliefs and illusions that keep us separate from this truth.

The Holy Spirit

In A Course in Miracles (ACIM), the Holy Spirit is a term used to describe a divine presence that guides us on the path to awakening and the recognition of our true identity. The Holy Spirit is not seen as a separate entity from God, but rather as a symbol of God’s love and wisdom that is available to us to help us navigate our lives and our spiritual journey.

ACIM teaches that the Holy Spirit is a universal communication link between God and his creations, including all of humanity. The Holy Spirit speaks to us through inner guidance, intuition, and inspiration, helping us to remember our true nature and to see beyond the illusions of the world.

The course teaches that the Holy Spirit is a bridge between our ego-based thoughts and our true spiritual identity. It is through the guidance of the Holy Spirit that we can learn to let go of our limiting beliefs and perceptions and begin to see ourselves and the world in a new light.

Ultimately, ACIM teaches that the Holy Spirit is a symbol of the divine love that is always available to us and that can help us to awaken to our true nature as children of God.

Here are some of the lessons that deal with these concepts:

  1. The Father: While many lessons implicitly reference God, specific lessons such as Lesson 221 (“Peace to my mind. Let all my thoughts be still.”) and Lesson 232 (“Be in my mind, my Father, through the day.”) directly invoke this idea.
  2. The Son: This is seen in lessons like Lesson 94 (“I am as God created me.”) and Lesson 110 (“I am as God created me. His Son can suffer nothing. And I am His Son.”).
  3. The Holy Spirit: Lessons that specifically mention or relate to the Holy Spirit include Lesson 106 (“Let me be still and listen to the truth.”) and Lesson 183 (“I call upon God’s Name and on my own.”).

These references are not always direct, as the Course often uses metaphorical language and symbolic concepts to convey its teachings. The lessons are designed to progressively lead students to a deeper understanding of these spiritual concepts, aligning with the Course’s overall goal of inner peace and spiritual awakening.