The Last Judgement

In A Course in Miracles (ACIM), the Last Judgment is given a reinterpretation that is different from traditional Christian theology. Instead of being a final, external judgment by God, where individuals are rewarded or punished based on their deeds, the Last Judgment in ACIM is seen as a process of correction and healing.

The Last Judgment, according to ACIM, is the final step in the awakening process, where all illusions and errors are corrected, and only the truth remains. It’s not a condemnation but a celebration of the recognition of our true nature as extensions of God’s Love.

Here’s a passage from the ACIM text that explains the Last Judgment:

“The Last Judgment is generally thought of as a procedure undertaken by God. Actually, it will be undertaken by my brothers and sisters with my help. It is a final healing rather than a meting out of punishment, however much you may think that punishment is deserved.”

This view emphasizes forgiveness, healing, and the recognition of innocence rather than judgment and condemnation. The Last Judgment is a process where the belief in separation, sin, and guilt is finally overcome, and the reality of oneness, love, and innocence is fully realized.

The Last Judgment in ACIM is a positive, healing process that represents the final undoing of illusions and the full acceptance of the truth of who we are. It’s a shift in perception guided by the Holy Spirit, and it leads to the realization of our eternal oneness with God.

Several Workbook lessons can help you understand this concept, including:

The idea of the Last Judgment is also explored in the Manual for Teachers, in the section called “The Last Judgment.” Studying that section along with the above lessons will deepen your understanding of this concept according to ACIM’s teachings.